More than physically being alone, loneliness occurs when someone feels a lack of connection even if they are surrounded by many people. This can affect individuals both physically and mentally.

Physical and emotional wellbeing can both be negatively impacted when someone feels alone, especially when this extends to long periods of time.
Feeling lonely is a natural emotion everyone experiences.However for some, that lonlieness is more than just being physically alone in a room. In a room completely filled with family, friends or colleagues, there may be a percieved conflict in the deeper connection they desire and the connection they feel.
This can cause low moods of sadness or distress, tiredness or lack of motivation, disturb sleep patterns, changes in appetite, anxiety, or an increase in substance abuse.

Loneliness can be overcome by physical connection with others, and finding people with similar interests and goals. Overcoming a lack of mental connection takes a little more, and we’re here to help support and provide you with tools overcome your mental isolation.
Improving your self confidence and mental wellbeing is a speciality of our team.
Participation in the community can provide a greater sense of independence, empowerment and sense of self-worth.
Aside from helping you to work through your challenging thoughts and emotions, and helping you to indentify your personal strengths, we can also help support you in getting in touch with more people socially and support you to build your personal network.