Uncontrollable dependancy on something can cause both physical and emotional harm on both the individual plus the fallout on those around.

Most often associated with drugs, alcohol, nicotine or gambling, addiction can take many forms. Anything that someone has no control over how they use or do it and are dependent on it to get through daily life is classified as an addiction. This can include computers/devices, work, shopping, food or eckless spending.
All addictions have different effects on different people and different reasons for not being able to stop. Chasing enjoyable highs, or the ability to ‘block-out’ other issues in life can become temptations to continue behaviours or substances.

Admitting there is an addiction is the first step. Without the self-realisation of an issue it becomes difficult to overcome the behaviour.
The strain of addiction on family and friends can also have life-long impacts both physically and mentally. Becoming a carer for an addict can have a huge emotional toll on an individual.
We are here to support addicts themselves, and family or carers who have been unwillingly thrust into the addiction cycle.
Getting ontop of addictions shouldn’t always take the ‘cold-turkey’ approach – in the case of drugs and alcohol this can be quite dangerous. Finding the right approach to the addiction and the individual’s circumstances is crucial.
Peer to peer support networks are incredibly beneficial when it comes to countering addiction. Shared experiences for both individuals and families enables a support network to grow.
Minimising exposure to the addiction and similar vices by re-engaging within the community are part of our social programs.
Ongoing therapy and counselling with our qualified and knowledgeable team is available for in-home consultations to assist.