We can help you apply for an NDIS plan and then optimise its use.
NDIS funding enables people with a disability to spend more time with family and friends, gain greater independence, access new skills, and improve supports within their life.

You can check your eligibility for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) here.
Applications to the NDIS can be made via phone, through a local area coordinator, early childhood partner or NDIA office. You can find about more about applying here.
If you’re already signed up to NDIS, check to ensure that you have Improved Daily Living Skills included in your NDIS plan. Self-Managed or Agency Managed NDIS plans contact us directly, for Plan Managed NDIS plans, your Plan Manager can contact us on your behalf.
We endeavour to help you make the most of your NDIS plan and offer a range of support services including the following;
- Assistance with personal activities
- Transportation to enable participation in community, social, economic and daily life activities
- Supported Accommodation (SDA) to assist with independent living
- Workplace support, allowing participants to successfully get or keep employment in the open or supported labour force
- Therapeutic supports including behaviour supports
- Household task support, allowing participants to maintain their home environment
- Accessing further physical and mental supports if required